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Jinshen Company launches anti-corruption and integrity themed education activities
Jinshen Company launches anti-corruption and integrity themed education activities
Release time:2023-10-13       Clicks:0 次

In order to create a clean and honest cultural atmosphere and promote the construction of a clean and honest culture, on October 10th, the Party branch of Jinshen Company organized party members to study the "Notice on Four Typical Issues of Provincial Enterprises Violating the Spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations" and watch a warning education video titled "Deviation". After watching movies and studying, everyone expressed the need to constantly be vigilant, introspective, and take preventive measures to build a strong ideological and moral barrier against corruption and change; In daily work, we should consciously strengthen our awareness of integrity and self-discipline, firmly guard the bottom line, avoid stepping on red lines, and avoid touching high-voltage lines, and always maintain the political integrity of Communist Party members.
